sEaLearn+ , is a versatile, adaptive, scalable, and modular software environment that allows shipping companies to manage the development and retention of workforce skills - from hire to retire — providing verifiable assurance that personnel meet competency standards at all times. Designed specifically for the maritime industry, it is customisable to any company's procedures and adaptable to their digital integration needs.
''Acquiring and Retaining Skills''

sEaLearn+ incorporates a range of Human Resource Development (HRD) tools that include
Recruitment Screening
Learning Management – access to e-learning and online assessment
Training Management including budgeting and scheduling
Competence Management
Performance Assessment
Evidence-based Promotion Readiness measurement plus other facilities, to fully support the work of Training and Development Managers, while enabling the Continual Professional Development (CPD) process for all personnel.
One platform for managing both shore-based and seagoing personnel using a single point of access.

A competent workforce mitigates risk.
Competencies provide a set of standards that ensure uniform performance as well as safe and efficient operations across an organization.